A deeper dive into how the yield works

Let’s take a look at how the yield system works for QSD.

We have broken down the 15% APY into two different currencies: ETH/USD stablecoin and AQTIS:

  • 12.5% APY in USDC or native ETH.

  • 2.5% APY in AQTIS tokens.

If a user puts $1,000 USD worth of ETH or USDC into QSD, a user would be entitled to claim $150 annually in rewards.

Of the $150, $125 USD of these rewards would be in native ETH or USDC and $25 USD of the rewards would be in AQTIS tokens.

In the above example, it is based on the token not changing its value. In crypto things change rapidly. In the event of price fluctuations, the yield value would change too. Let’s look at an example.

In the event the price of AQTIS increases, the AQTIS portion of the yield would also fluctuate. If User A initially had 25 USD worth of AQTIS tokens, and their average value increased to $100 USD, the total yield would consist of $125 USD in ETH plus $100 USD in AQTIS tokens. This would be equal to a 22.5% yield.

Conversely, if the value of AQTIS tokens were to decline by 50% during this period, the $25 USD worth of AQTIS tokens would reduce to $12.5 USD. In such a scenario, the total rewards would still encompass $125 USD in ETH, but the AQTIS tokens would contribute only 12.5 USD. This would be equal to a 13.75% yield.

In this example, the number of tokens User A received as rewards remains constant during this period; it's the value per token that fluctuates.

In other words, the token yield is stable, but the $ value can vary.

Last updated