How do I claim my rewards?

You can claim rewards using the AQTIS app. The benefit of using AQTIS is that users have a number of unique options available to them once they start generating yield:

  • Auto-claim - your rewards will be delivered to you automatically, over a time scale of your choice.

  • Auto-compound - want to keep generating rewards? Select the auto-compound option and your rewards are reinvested to create compounding rewards over time.

  • Auto-send - want to send your rewards to a different wallet? You can select that option inside the app to move your rewards to a different wallet.

Want private rewards? You can do that too. Users can opt-in for privatized reward claiming, which will be facilitated through the integration of the Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL). Please note: this feature will be released after launch has been successful.

Find out more about that in our privacy section.

Last updated