Securing the quant tech
QRT is 50% paired with ETH and 50% paired with USDC, but it is not pegged to either. This pairing structure allows for greater flexibility and stability in its price movement. If users exit their positions in QRT, a portion of the liquidity within the quant tech remains unaffected, continuing to generate yield seamlessly.
One of QRT’s key advantages is its frictionless liquidity. Holders can sell their tokens at any time without causing significant disruption to the liquidity pools. Whether 90% of the tokens are held or only 10%, the yield continues to be distributed fully to the remaining holders, ensuring that everyone receives their portion of the rewards.
Additionally, with QRT minted at $10 per token, its pairing with ETH offers holders the potential to benefit from 50% of the upside in ETH’s price. If ETH appreciates, it can push the value of QRT beyond its mint price. On the flip side, if ETH’s price declines, QRT benefits from being paired with USDC, a stablecoin, which helps to stabilize the price and limit downside volatility.
In essence, QRT combines the best of both worlds—the potential for upside linked to ETH while maintaining price stability through its USDC pairing, providing an attractive balance of risk and reward for holders.
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