Permissionless Exit

We believe token holders should be able to choose when to exit. This is why AQTIS ensures 30-60% of the initial ETH put into qETH is used to help provide permissionless exit liquidity for qETH holders.

The permissionless exit allows us to maintain the 1:1 qETH:ETH pair.

The liquidity for the qETH:ETH pair is made available on platforms such as Uniswap and Balancer to make sure that qETH holders can exit/sell their tokens in a permissionless manner.

Importantly, this liquidity is safeguarded through time-locking and/or unlock-delay mechanisms. These measures are in place to ensure that qETH holders can exit or sell their assets without encountering the risk of asset freezing by AQTIS.

A note on freezing: We can "freeze" assets. However, in the case of panic/bank run or overall failure, we want our LST holders to be able to sell into the LP without any permission from our side.

Last updated